Today to Crystal Creek. I wake up in the morning, and what is not wet is at least damp. I climb out of the tent and go to count the damage.
I have to commend the tent. It’s not 100% waterproof, but it survived without harm and for the way it was pouring, not much water got in. I pack everything up, wet-wet-wet; I have no other choice and head out towards Crystal Creek (also known as Saltwater Creek) campground.
Crystal Creek
First, I go back a little further, to the city, to refill the water. I also find a shower by the tap with drinking water, so I use it quickly because I already stink even to myself in the wet and sweaty one.
I want to return to the campsite quickly to wash and dry everything. The trip goes pretty fast, and I’m finishing by 2:00 pm. I have covered 110 km. This time with hills and headwinds. I finally hang up my wet stuff and go for a swim. The natural pool is quite extensive, and you can swim in it. I still have much time until the evening, so I enjoy swimming and sunbathing on the stone. I swim in my cycling clothes. To wash both sets, I have to go in the water twice. Then I wash some other things, cook, clean up and write for a while.

Pretty noisy night
Besides being rainy again, tonight will be pretty noisy. The australian cicadas have started it a short distance from my tent. But since I had to hold my tent during the storm last night to keep it from being taken over, I’m hoping I’ll fall asleep quickly when I’m tired, and no cicadas will bother me.
The night is for sleeping, not listening