Welcome to our unforgettable pilgrimage into active travel, where suitcases turn into backpacks and shoes turn into hiking boots!
I have covered 110 km today to Crystal Creek. Poll hygiene. Rainy and cicadas. Again pretty noisy night. On bike across Australia.
I would like to cycle to the town of Cardwell. Thanks to watermelon, natives, and a storm, I don't get much sleep. Australian Night Storm.
Kôprovský štít bike & hike. Unique experience for active people in High Tatras, Slovakia, requires suitable footwear, a good bike and fitness.
After six weeks at school it's time to start stealing the first kilometres of the cycling expedition to Sydney. Start from Cairns.
MTB Czarna Gora is perhaps the most photogenic downhill on Kralický Snežník. Czech Poland MTB bike experiences.